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Remote work has been one of the biggest transformations the modern workplace and workforce have experienced in the recent past. Given the impact of COVID-19, even the staunchest naysayers found themselves in a position where WFH was the only way forward. In this vacuum, a VoIP phone system may just be the best way to leverage the advantages of an in-office setting in the absence of it. 

Given this abrupt shift, many companies struggled to find their footing in the ‘new normal’. Tools and systems to make this transition easier have, naturally, been on the rise. This brings us to VoIP; a communication system seemingly crafted to mitigate the pitfalls of remote working models.

Voice over Internet Protocol, as it’s known in full, is not just a powerful way of keeping your teams connected and in-sync, but also a great way to streamline customer communication and improve the customer experience. 

At this point in time, find out how you can leverage the benefits of a VoIP phone to make remote working a breeze.

Use a VoIP phone to ensure better coordination among your teams

Internal communication is a powerful driver of efficiency, productivity, and the ability to produce meaningful work. 

COVID-19 aside, workplaces seemed to gravitate towards remote working models. The key to making this arrangement work, especially when teams need to collaborate on certain tasks to achieve specific objectives, is to make sure that there are systems and tools in place to help them communicate. 

This is more so if you find your teams scattered in different parts of Australia or even, other parts of the world. While modern chat platforms are all well and good, there’s nothing quite like picking up the phone and making a quick call to a colleague.

VoIP allows you to do this without the cost. With high-quality audio calling hosted over the internet - in addition to video calling and instant messaging - you can make all the calls you need to get the job done, minus the guilt or the expensive phone bills.

Given the sophistication of the technology at our fingertips, calling someone over the internet may not sound particularly groundbreaking. That being said, VoIP has been a godsend for businesses, especially those with sales and customer support teams.

Support employees working on the go

Another major benefit of a VoIP phone is that you can use it to support employees on the go. 

If you find that certain members of your team need to travel around for work, having a VoIP phone makes coordinating much easier and monthly phone bills less panic-inducing.

With VoIP software available for smartphones, you make sure that wherever your team member is, there’s a convenient and cost-effective way to get in touch, whether via an audio call, video call or instant messaging.

That’s another feather to VoIP’s cap; with it, you don’t really need any other communication platform to support remote working arrangements. It’s an all-in-one solution that drives down your expenditure exponentially.

Train your teams on how to maximise the benefits of a VoIP phone

As with any new type of technology, leveraging its potential comes down to knowing what you can do with it. 

This is the same for VoIP. If your teams are unaware of what a VoIP phone can do, including using features like call queues, the auto-attendant feature, connecting and transferring call through its direct dialling system, and more, you may as well stick to a traditional phone line.

Embrace WFH with greater mastery with a powerful VoIP phone

Remote working is gradually becoming more of a norm than an exception to the rule. If you’re considering making this switch or have already, tools like a VoIP phone will blow your mind in terms of how easy it can make the work you do.

What’s more, is that these systems can be tailored to the work you do; VoIP can be customised according to the size of your teams, how much you expect to grow, and what your requirements are. 

This ensures that your VoIP phone system does exactly what you need it to and that its features support the work you do, without being too complex or confusing.