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Investing in new technology doesn’t have to be intimidating, and that’s one lesson the pandemic taught many of us. Investing in a VoIP platform is the same; it’s a new experience, but a smart decision for business growth.

Whether you’re on the lookout for a company that specialises in VoIP solutions or you’re still doing your due diligence, there are a few things you need to consider before taking the plunge. 

It’s difficult to distinguish between something you want and something you need. That’s what I hope will be clear once you’re done reading this post—the goal is to help you leave with an understanding of what you need to look into to enjoy, what I like to call, the ultimate VoIP experience.

Assess your network preparedness

When it comes to a VoIP platform, one thing you need to know is that the quality of your experience depends on the strength of your internet connection. 

To be specific, you’re going to need plenty of bandwidth and throughput time, which will help you ensure there are no delays in communication. While you may not notice a web page taking a millisecond longer to load, a millisecond delay in delivering a voice packet manifests itself as a moment of silence or a stutter. 

To avoid this kind of inconvenience and inefficiency, check your network inventory and gauge the bandwidth consumption of your existing devices. 

Look into your level of security

VoIP is vulnerable to the same security issues as the rest of your IP-based systems like your servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and databases.

A comprehensive security policy should address and document the security needs and vulnerabilities of a VoIP platform. Given that there’s a very real possibility of a malicious hacker breaking into your communication channel and extracting sensitive or confidential information, a security system is definitely something you need to look into before making your VoIP investment.

Compare features against costs

For many businesses, the potential to save money on telephone costs is a major motivator to consider a VoIP platform, if not the biggest one. 

Compared to traditional telephone hardware, a VoIP platform can slash telecommunication charges significantly.

In this process, make sure you consider each feature carefully to enhance your cost savings. While certain service providers will charge you only for the added features, some may charge you for a complete package that may come with certain features that your company doesn't require. 

When you’re vetting your service providers, look for a team that will help you customise your VoIP system with exactly what you need. This way, you don’t need to pay for unnecessary features and can bring down your communication costs further :)

Assess your system’s compatibility with third-party integrations

Another important aspect to consider is how well your chosen VoIP platform works with other services you already use at work.

Without the integration of third-party services, you may waste plenty of time migrating or re-creating business data that you already have on another platform or application. 

Whether it’s Salesforce, Hubspot or other ERP or CRM platforms, make sure that your VoIP platform can be integrated with these platforms, so you can leverage customer insights in your interactions with clients (if your teams make or receive calls from customers and clients).

This will ensure a smooth introduction of your VoIP system to your ecosystem of business tools and applications. 

Help your business enter the future of communication with a VoIP platform

Whether you’re a small business with a few team members or a large business with a few hundred team members, a VoIP platform offers significant benefits to the work you do. 

Like all investments, however, VoIP is not something you should rush into.

Gain a basic understanding of what you need to consider, so you can ask the right questions and know what to look for when you’re on the lookout for a VoIP provider. Again, consider elements like network strength, network security, third-party integrations, and costs and features.


Finding the right plan from the right provider will help you save money, boost productivity, and expand the capabilities of your company’s communication system.