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Never have we heard the term ‘unprecedented times’ more than we have through the COVID19 period. Many businesses and offices have been forced to adopt a completely new environment and structure for their employees. 

Whether it be working from home, a complete overhaul of processes or a mixture of both there have been changes all around the world. A lot of businesses have adopted the cloud based structure and there will be many more coming who will follow suit.

At JT’s Cloud we are experienced in preparing for them migration to the cloud and we have a couple of tips and tricks we wanted to share to make it as seamless as possible.

Preparation is Essential - take the time to go through your current system and data to ensure that you are moving the critical pieces of data and that it is organised in a way that it is track in the new system.

Do you still have client or partner data with whom you have not dealt with for a number of years? Do you need to bring across all transaction data from 10 years ago or only more recent transactions?

Moving to the new softwares is a great excuse and chance to clean up your current data.

Have a Champion - it is always easiest when there is one or two people in the company who are the “Champions” of the new software. This gives everyone a single point of confirmation and communication regarding the move.

It is their job to become the most knowledgeable on the software and can do everything and anything that is needed with in the business. Generally speaking it is best to assign someone who has a deep understanding on the current business processes and how they will be able to be incorporated into the new software.

Invest Time for Employee Training - onboarding for new programs and softwares can be a challenge at the best of times. If you take the time to ensure that all employees receive an in depth training session for the new software this will help with the transition across.

Whether you break it up so that each team has their own session for what is applicable to them, or a company wise training session for a walk through on what the system is capable of and how to use it, the importance of training is paramount to your success in the migration.

Reinforce Importance of “Buy-In” From the Staff - again, one of the bigger challenges you will face with a migration is the onboarding of your staff.

Some of the best tools to assist with this are to explain the importance of the data and the reporting. If the tool is not being used correctly then the data and information being portrayed in the reports will not be transparent.

Don’t be Afraid To Use Support - when you are in your initial implementation and migration phase it is important to make sure it is set up correctly in the first instance, this will ensure a strong and accountable foundation for the software moving forward.

Be sure to reach out to the support of the software or your implementation partner for any assistance you may require. It is better to spend 5 minutes on a phone call with them then for you to waste an hour or so of your own valuable time trying to figure it our yourself.

We hope that these tips and tricks will assist any business looking to migrate to the cloud. As always at JT’s Cloud we are more than happy to assist with any transition and to get you into the cloud!