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February 2025: Upstream Wins APAC Partner of the Year for 2nd consecutive year

VoIP-hosted communications have become the future of communication with more organisations starting to work remotely. COVID-19 has accelerated this trend, with certain companies like Twitter even announcing that its teams will be allowed to work remotely indefinitely. 

Getting your communication right is a non-negotiable element for just about any business. Cloud-based business phone systems are becoming more powerful and functional, supporting businesses in making this shift to remote working, especially at a time when that is the safest option for COVID-19-stricken countries. 

With VoIP-hosted communication services helping teams stay in touch across vast geographical distances, here are five ways VoIP-hosted communications are affecting WFH. 

1. VoIP is allowing businesses to scale their operations remotely 

A bulk of VoIP systems are based on the internet - if you want additional lines, you don’t need an engineer to come and hook you up with the right equipment. 

VoIP networks can be deployed fast and are responsive and reliable. Through a user-friendly dashboard that powers VoIP-hosted communications, you can grow your remote teams. 

This means that VoIP is incredibly scalable; you can allocate new numbers and extensions with a few clicks - regardless of where your teams are. 

The best part is that to do this, you don’t require any technical expertise. 

VoIP-hosted communications are powered by what’s known as software-as-a-service. This helps managers handle the network and host the necessary software with the support of cloud technology. 

2. Location or fixed workplaces are starting to matter less

A landline is usually based in the location you’re located in. Unlike traditional phone numbers, VoIP is not location-specific and can be used on-the-go, anywhere.

With a greater move towards remote working, VoIP-hosted communications are relied on to power more meaningful communication and collaboration. 

If you are travelling - whether for work or personal reasons - you can always be reached through VoIP-hosted communications, which are also compatible on smartphones. 

3. Training and development are being adapted for remote teams

Remote training and development can be facilitated with greater ease when you rely on VoIP-hosted communication. 

The combination of voice and data is a complete game-changer for most organisations that rely on VoIP-hosted communications. 

By recording interactions between clients and your teams, you can analyse what you need to do to improve your services, remotely, and use real-life examples to train your teams to handle certain scenarios. 

4. Finding novel ways to approach productivity improvements

Even as recently as a few years ago, allowing employees to work from home was an exception restricted to truly visionary companies. Come 2020 and we find ourselves in a completely different scenario. 

Given the ubiquity of the internet, VoIP-hosted communications become something that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. VoIP systems offer a feature-rich package of PBX functions without the need to purchase telecommunications hardware. You can choose and pay only for the PBX services you and your teams need.

Given that productivity is always a concern when it comes to remote work arrangements, increased connectivity means that managers can keep tabs on their teams and communicate with them in multiple ways, beyond just emotionless instant messages.

This ensures that teams are monitored and can be pushed to get work completed without any extensive delays.

5. VoIP is redefining remote work/team management 

Using devices powered by VoIP-hosted communications, employers are capable of managing the workforce with greater dexterity and control, even having the ability to hire workers in other parts of the world. 

These activities are supported by the fact that VoIP powers video communication, in addition to audio communication and instant messaging features. 

VoIP-hosted communication services help employers ensure that flexibility doesn’t necessarily mean weak or vulnerable working structures. It helps managers ensure a balance between independence and oversight, ensuring teams are productive without feeling stifled. 

VoIP-hosted communications will power work in 2020 and beyond

With VoIP-hosted communications, it’s easier for businesses to execute more productive remote working strategies that ensure remote teams stay connected and can coordinate with clients without any delays or setbacks. 


Here at JT’s Cloud, our VoIP solutions help you reach the zenith, no matter what it takes. Our team provides you with the support you need to make informed decisions when it comes to your VoIP-hosted communications. Get in touch for more information.